Kincarrd moment realI have a link to my faceclaims here (put them in a lil pinterest 8oard)

Endo system host
Neurodivergent, DisabledI am otherkin, fickin, possible constellic, otherhearted,
possible inexian, erestian, othervague, synpath and MAYBE a polymorph (consumorph)?Pan/Poly-trollkin (I'm many castes and every type (planet) of troll)
Multi-Minecraft kin
Multi-TMNT kin

Cronus Ampora (first fickintype)Dirk Strider (possible selfhood?) ((from base Homestuck, Alphaswap and Alphaswitch))Bro Strider (possible selfhood)Leo Hamato (selfhood)CALIBORN (selfhood)June Egbert (Possible Selfhood?)Vriska Serket (Possible Selfhood?)The DolorosaHandplates!W.D. GasterDarcyThe Hollow KnightGlamrock ChicaJeremy (the ''lad wvith an axe'' in the song This is a Song for You (Once Beaten Black and Blue) )William Afton (from the Squimpus Fnaf VHS tapes)The Purple Guy (Vincent/William/Dave) ((pretty much every iteration)) + SpringtrapMinecraft CreeperRed CrewmateTavrispriteWeezPiglins/Zombie PiglinsThe Pale King (Wyrm)Donnie HamatoSollux CaptorWally DarlingDave HarleyDirk EgbertPopgoesSollux PyropeJake EnglishDave Strider

As Cronus, I wvas moirails wvith Mituna (before he fried his thinkpan). I then wvas moirails/matesprits wvith Kankri after wve died.
I wvas friends wvith Latula and Meenah at some point, and didn't really knowv anyone outside of them.
I'm unsure if I wvas humankin or not in my timeline (though I'm decently sure I wvasn't).
I wvent grimdark during the game at some point
Most else is pretty close to canon (livwed on Beforus, lost the game).
I get wvery upset wvhen listening to Iron Infidel, wvhich I viewv as tied to my Dolorosa kintype.
As the Hollow Knight, I remember chains on my arms.
My Leo kintypes seem to be heavwily tied to the song ''Takes 2 To Kill Me'' by Teenage Disaster
I'm pretty sure the Tavros part of my Tavris kin had pitch feelings for Karkat, and was either red for, or matesprits with, Equius. The Vriska part, I think, could have been in a pale quadrant with Gamzee (though im a biit confu2ed on some part2)
I have an idea for what could have happened in my Purple Guy timeline, but it's pretty unsteady and difficult to explain.
I dont havwe any memories from any of my other kintypes (as far as I'm awvare/that I can remember).
Bojack HorsemanNepeta LeijonRoxy (from Bad Kid Stuff)Asuka Soryu LangleyJade HarleySollux Leijon
Bendy (BABITIM)The ProjectionistSOMEONE from the Incident FilesMoe SyzlakThe Puppet (pre-SL/PS fanon)Protag (from Harvest 64)Cloud StrifeStreberSomeone from Gorillaz? MAYBE???,,,,,,, saul goodman,,,,,,,Timberjack dragonHugo (Room)Mr. Morris (Room)Red ScoutBlue SpyNot-DeerNami.wavSeto Kaiba (?) (YGO)Rodrick Heffley (Diary of a Wimpy Kid)Crying Child (FNAF)Christopher Pierre (GHOST and Pals)Feather Flatterfly (MLP)Cerulean Skies (MLP)Dogma (TBOI)What Remains of Edith Finch (either someone from the game, or the game itself)Squidling/Octoling BoyRainer Hammond (Petsop)The Pumpkin Rabbit (TWF)Crow / Grey CrowSomeone from the film NINEFresh!Error Sans
(or just some kinda AU sans, not sure which)Lacey (Lacey Games)Dusttale!Sans (?)Anxietytale!SansMerling origin?The Narrator (TSP)Stan MarshDanTDM (From Minecraft StoryMode)Squidwardsatyr/something like a satyrThe Keeper TBOIAllied Mastercomputer (AM) (I have no mouth but I must scream)Giant phantom jellyfishPipefishIsaac (The Fault in our Stars)The Saint (Rainworld)Cacophobia (TBOI FF)Coyote / Borzoi dogStrawberry-Piebald Snake (tumblr art)Alan (Smiling Friends)HomonculusOrcish/Argonian DragonbornArgonianLogan SandersToby RogersJonathan Sims/Gerard Keay/Micheal Crew/Sergei Ushanka (TMA)Isaac (TBOI)Bee originBreakcore/Slaughtercore/Glitchcore/HyperpopMaggy (my own tboi headcanons)Tainted Lazarus (TBOI)Eden?? (TBOI)Starborn OriginSheep/Anthro-sheepWarden (Minecraft)Internet HorrorAngus (NITW)Beatrice HorsemanRanger (D&D)Someone from the Life Series (Grian?)StoatLeafeonVirgil (Anxiety) SandersServal catHighland Cow/Anthro-Highland CowSans UndertaleMae BorowskiGarvey Dormitabis RemakeWerewolfMerling Origin
- - -Someone from TMMTTMWN!Leo/DonnieTeenage Mutant (Neglected) Turtles!RaphRedline!Leo/Mikey??Stabilise!Donnie/Leo/Mikey/SplinterMutant Mayhem!Leo/Mikey/DonnieConnectiveTissue!DonnieKrangified-Leo/DonnieRise!TechnodromeNo Rest for the Weary!Donnie/LeoLittle Scraps of Wisdom!Raph/Leo/DonnieHaunted and Holy!Donnie
- - -Signless (Homestuck)Stelsa Sezyat (Hiveswap)Heinoustuck!JohnMarsti Houtek ? (Hiveswap)[Dirk]{#C} Lalonde (Homestuck Kidswap)John Strider (Homestuck Kidswap)Jade Strider (ALTERFALL)Dave Egbert (Homestuck Kidswap)Mituna Captor (from befriendus?) (???????? ehh?)Nepeta Captor / Meulin CaptorLaivan FerrooEllsee (Vast Error)Ammolite (chrisrin's Gemstuck)Nepeta Serket / Ectofail!NepetaJohn LalondeSomeone Beta Nitram-swapped
Kankri Vantas ; [Synpath]Flatwoods Monster ; [Hearttype]Fresno Nightcrawler ; [Hearttype]Lee ; [Hearttype]Musk Deer ; [Hearttype}Kokichi Ouma ; [Hearttype]PunPun ; [Synpath]Shigeo/Mob ; [Synpath]Ena ; [Synpath]The Collector ; [Hearttype, potential clink]
John WardWilson WilsonAndy DufresneSal FisherAmiya (SPECIFICALLY from the musedash collab)Ayano AishiFrankie SteinHarrier Du BoisUp and AdamShingi IkariApplejackFluttershy / FlutterscenePaul LeskowitzAzazel (TBOI)Craig Tuckerosmp!WilburOMORIMareanieApollyon TBOITainted!Jacob (The Binding of Isaac)Prep (Boyfriends)Pearl (Steven Universe)Nightfury DragonRed Sniper- - -Connective Tissue!Leo/RaphBattleScars!Leo/DonnieTeenage Mutant (Neglected) Turtles!Leo/DonnieTale of Spirits!Leo- - -Dave Lalonde (Homestuck Kidswap)Folykl Darane (Hiveswap)Gemstuck!Roxy Lalonde (chrisrin's Gemstuck)Gemstuck!Dirk Strider (chrisrin's Gemstuck)Sunrise Topaz (chrisrin's Gemstuck)Banana-split Rhodolite (chrisrin's Gemstuck)Ametrine (chrisrin's Gemstuck)Bloodstone (chrisrin's Gemstuck)Vriska Megido (Homestuck Bloodswap)Tavros LeijonRoxy LalondeMalibu (Kittyquest)Kitty Harley-Leider (Kittyquest)Orphus Temora (Homestuck Fantroll)Eridan AmporaMeulin LeijonArcjec VooratJake Strider (Homestuck Kidswap)Kurloz CaptorSollux MegidoGamzee MakaraDave EnglishTerezi PyropeHeinoustuck!Jade HarleyTyzias EntykkAradia MegidoHeinoustuck!Dave StriderKarkat VantasEquius ZahhakTavros Nitram- - -Toy Bonnie (The Squimpus tapes)The MangleEvery Iteration of Bonnie (minus SL Bonnie)Golden Freddy (pre-lore)- - -Aftertale!SansChara DreemurrSpamton
Angel (Seraph, Dominion?, Ophanim?, Power?, Archangel? , Cherubim?) (Ophiel/Iahhel)God??Void/NothingAlternian/Beforan TrollStarGhostkinStarryVoidVampire?Zombie (Post-nuclear. Might be from Fallout-adjecent thing?)clown kin/fix (from specifically the clown husbandry tumblr tag) ((possibly an otherfix identity?))PaladinsRobot/AI/Android ((Facial recognition software, primarily used for surveillance, service, potentially a simulated consciousness, general information. Hydraulic joints <- potentially. Display face ?. Visually similar to a tesla bot)) (Lo, AM, GDS2A)ElytrianShapeshifterPhantom (origin)Grey cockatielMagnapinna SquidOrcOld-MinecraftOld-Internet (early 2010s)Grimdark MLP FandomSFRJWater/OceanTurtle/Terrapin
Solaria (from GAP's song) - CopinglinkThe Pumpkin Rabbit - CopinglinkSapphire - Link/Copinglink?Ena - Flickertype